
  • ‘Kijk baby, Mexico in Belgrado.’ Hoe Servische drugscriminelen buiten schot blijven door grootschalige corruptie - NRC

    Een superhack wierp in 2020 licht op de praktijken van Servische drugscriminelen. Grote juridische gevolgen bleven echter uit, mede door de hechte banden met de politiek.

  • The wisdom of Motlanthe shows in his cool approach to drug legalisation - Business Day

    South Africa’s former president argues that prohibition is a route to more severe problems

  • 'We're done with corruption. Serbia's students rise up against the system - The Guardian

    In a country grappling with weak rule of law, many seek freedom from a government long seen as authoritarian.

  • South Korea illustrates how the world is screaming across a hollow centre

    Liberal democracy has hit a brick wall, and populism emerges when there are no solutions from within

  • Serbia’s Anti-Corruption Protests Are Making History - New Lines Magazine

    The fatal collapse of a train station roof sparked a student-led mass movement that now threatens the regime of President Aleksandar Vucic

  • Transnistria and the national state’s deadly flaw - Business Day

    So deep is coercion in the national state’s DNA that it is the response to any kind of separatism

  • The gangsters who made a president - The Sunday Times

    Jerabos, illegal mining gangs from Zambia's Copperbelt, sat down with President Edgar Lungu at State House in Lusaka in 2015 and cut a deal.

  • In Sumpf - Süddeutsche Zeitung

    Romania’s biodiverse Danube Delta is a fragile natural paradise. The EU has poured millions into the impoverished region — where did the money really go?

  • Pour les étudiants serbes, la tristesse se transforme en colère - Mediapart

    Depuis trois mois, un vent de révolte souffle sur la Serbie. Des milliers d’étudiants des universités de Belgrade et de toute la Serbie protestent contre la politique du président Vučić et de son parti. Manifestations, marches pacifiques, blocages de routes et occupation des universités se succèdent. Avec une revendication : l’État de droit et une Serbie débarrassée de la corruption. 

  • Serbia’s Curious Polygraph Craze - New Lines Magazine

    As Serbia grapples with one of the most significant organized crime problems in Europe, politicians are turning a craze for polygraph testing to their own advantage. With a weak legal system and using state-controlled media, they hope to clear their name in the court of public opinion.

  • Onophoudelijk protest in Servië. Verzet zonder leiders - De Groene Amsterdammer

    Al maanden demonstreren Serviërs tegen hun corrupte regering. Het zou niet de eerste keer zijn dat de studentenbeweging een dictator ten val brengt. ‘Vucic gebruikt dezelfde trucjes als Miloševic.’

  • Balkanci rade na veliko - Vreme

    Balkanski narko-karteli pustili su pipke do Roterdama, najveće luke Evrope. U Holandiji sarađuju sa zloglasnom marokanskom mafijom. Nešto od toga se vidi iz optužnica i prepiski na aplikaciji Skaj. Ali, izvori “Vremena” kažu da je to samo vrh ledenog brega, a da zapadni istražitelji baš i ne veruju u saradnju srpskih kolega.

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